
What is a sound massage?

Sound massage is a natural method of stress reduction and relaxation.  Sound massage attempts to gently realign the body with its own rhythmic patterns.  Singing bowls carefully placed on the fully clothed body transmit harmonious sounds leading the body into a deeply relaxed state.  When softly striking the singing bowls the rhythmic tones and sound vibrations are transmitted to the body producing a subtle vibration effecting a “massage” element.

Sound massage is administered using Peter Hess® therapy singing bowls which are designed specifically for the sound massage practice and to enhance the sound massage experience.  The Peter Hess® method of sound massage was developed more than 30 years ago and is a modern technique of gently playing melodic sounds in a meditative environment thereby reducing tension, stress and unease resulting in the positive effects of relaxation and calm.

For more information on Peter Hess® training, singing bowls or to purchase singing bowls, please visit the “Services” page or visit  

Peter Hess Sound Massage Training – Peter Hess® Academy USA Midwest (